Researches projects

Dig-TIB: Цифровой атлас византийской империи

Проект "Digital Tabula Imperii Byzantini (Dig-TIB)" представляет собой онлайн газетир (справочник населенных пунктов и объектов культурного наследия), который индекс топонимических данных, включенных в ранее напечатанные тома проекта TIB.


Text and narrative in Byzantium

The collaborative research network Text and narrative in Byzantium (Texte et récit à Byzance) offers a scholarly framework for a number of research projects in Uppsala and Paris, while also facilitating mobility and exchange for teachers, scholars and PhD students.


Текст и нарратив в Византии

Исследовательский корпус проектов курируемый Группой греческой и византийской филологии Упсальского университета  предлагает научную базу для ряда исследовательских проектов в Упсале, Париже и др., а также способствует мобильности и обмену преподавателей, ученых и аспирантов.



«Artefacts and Raw Materials in Byzantine Archival Documents» (ByzAD, Typica) - a specialized project of the Institute of the Ancient and Byzantine World of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Friborg (Switzerland), aimed at creating a database of various references to objects of Byzantine material culture in archival documents. The regularly updated database now includes 5000 entries (more than 4,000 objects, 700 categories and about 150 documents) and is freely available for research and training purposes.


Byzance Web

Information site, created by the Strasbourg branch of the Parisian Center for the Study of Byzantine History and Civilization at the College de France (CHCB).

It consists of links to other IR, divided into 3 parts: "Links" (sites of various research and educational centers), "Bibliographic research" (online catalogs) and "Electronic publications" (so far only "Childhood of Christ on the basis of the Byzantine collection of Strasbourg University - II ").


Expert system "Byzantine law and acts"

Scientific and educational site dedicated to Expert system "Byzantine law and acts", developed by Yuri Vin and colleagues efforts.
The systen unite the Byzantine law database and information analytical applications that represent the texts in Latin, Greek and Slavic languages, with newly formed Byzantine Act databases and Knowledge bases. 
Demoversion of Expert system available.


Экспертная система «Византийское право и акты»

Научно-образовательный сайт посвященный проекту экспертной системы (ЭС) «Византийское право и акты», развиваемого усилиями Ю.Я. Вина и его коллег.


Byzantine Architecture project

Princeton University project on the creation of 3D models of historical buildings in Constantinople.
Over the past several years, Professor Ahmet Cakmak, of Princeton University's Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research has undertaken the structural analysis, under earthquake loads, of the Hagia Sophia.


Византийская архитектура

Проект Принстонского университета по созданию 3D моделей исторических зданий Константинополя.
За первые несколько лет проекта профессор Ахмет Чакмак факультета гражданского строительства и исследований Принстонского университета провел структурный анализ здания Храме Святой Софии.


IHSP: Internet Medieval Sourcebook: Byzantium

Valuable, but not updated project of the American researcher Paul Halsall from Fordham University (New York).


The voluminous Byzantine section of the collection of popular texts of historical sources, covering a significant period: from the era of Justinian to the fall of Constantinople.



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