Якоби Д.
Якоби, Давид
Jacoby, David

Вырос в Антверпене, Бельгия. Осенью 1942 года началось переселение евреев в Польшу, затем он бежал с семьей в Швейцарию , репатриировался в Израиль в 1947 году и участвовал в войне за независимость. Получил степень бакалавра и магистра в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме, специализируясь в истории западного средневековья. Защитил докторскую диссертацию в 1958 в Сорбонне, Париж на тему демографии крестьянства Византии.
Преподавал на кафедре истории в Еврейском университете с 1958 года, был назначен ординарным профессором в 1974 году, возглавлял кафедру в течение 1970-1972 и 1979-1980 годах. Вышел в отставку в 1996 году. Состоял приглашенным профессором в Университете Калифорнии в Беркли (1970), Университете Принстона (1976), университет Пенсильвании, Филадельфия (1981-80) и университете Венеции (1996).
Работы автора в ВВ
Between the Imperial Court and the Western maritime powers: The 2013
Rural exploitation and market economy in the Late Medieval 2013
The Eastern Mediterranean in the Later Middle Ages: An island 2012
Intercultural encounters in a conquered land: The Latin Kingdom 2012
Camlet manufacture and trade in Cyprus and the economy of 2012
An unpublished Medieval Portolan of the Mediterranean in 2012
The economic impact of Christian pilgrimage on the Holy Land, 2012
The Jews in the Byzantine economy (seventh to mid-fifteenth 2011
Western merchants, pilgrims and travelers in Alexandria in the 2011
Oriental silks go West: A declining trade in the Later Middle 2010
Mediterranean food and wine for Constantinople: The 2010
Jews and Christians in Venetian Crete: Segregation, interaction, 2010
Acre-Alexandria: A major commercial axis of the thirteenth 2010
The operation of the Cretan Port of Candia in the thirteenth and 2010
Latins, Greeks and Muslims: Encounters in the Eastern 2009
The Venetians in Byzantine and Lusignan Cyprus: Trade, 2009
Venetian commercial expansion in the Eastern Mediterranean, 2009
Caviar trading in Byzantium. In: 2009
The Jewish communities of the Byzantine world from the tenth to 2009
The Greeks of Constantinople under Latin Rule, 1204-1261. In: 2008
The Jews in Byzantium and the Eastern Mediterranean: Economic 2008
Multilingualism and institutional patterns of communication in 2008
Die Kreuzfahrerstadt Akko. In: 2008
Benjamin of Tudela and his 'Book of Travels.' In: 2008
Venetian sailing to Acre in 1282: Between private shipping and 2007
Les etats francs du Levant et Chypre sous les Lusignans: un 2007
Hospitaller ships and transportation across the Mediterranean. 2007
Houses and urban layout in the Venetian Quarter of 2007
The Pisan Commercial Manual of 1278 in the Mediterranean 2007
Late Byzantium between the Mediterranean and Asia: Trade and 2007
Christian pilgrimage to Sinai until the late fifteenth century. 2006
The Venetian government and administration in Latin 2006
Marco Polo, his close relatives, and his travel account: Some 2006
Les Latins dans les villes de Romanie jusqu'en 1261: le versant 2005
Bishop Gunther of Bamberg, Byzantium and Christian pilgrimage to 2005
The economy of Latin Constantinople, 1204-1261. In: 2005
Aspects of everyday life in Frankish Acre. 2005
Commercial Exchange across the Mediterranean: Byzantium, the 2005
Production et commerce de l'alun oriental en M?diterran?e, 2005
The silk trade of Late Byzantine Constantinople. In: 2004
Society, culture and the arts in Crusader Acre. In: 2004
Silk and silk textiles in Arab and Norman Sicily: The economic 2004
The demographic evolution of Euboea under Latin rule, 1205-1470. 2004
Silk economics and cross-cultural artistic interaction: 2004
Foreigners and the urban economy in Thessalonike, c.1150 - 2003
L'apogeo di Acri nel medioevo, secc. XII-XIII. In: 2003
L'?tat catalan en Gr?ce: soci?t? et institutions politiques. In: 2003
Byzantine traders in Mamluk Egypt. In: 2003
New Venetian evidence on Crusader Acre. In: 2003
New evidence on the Greek peasantry in Latin Romania. In: 2003
Greeks in the maritime trade of Cyprus around the mid-fourteenth 2002
Migrations familiales et strat?gies commerciales v?nitiennes aux 2002
The Chrysobull of Alexius I Comnenus to the Venetians: The date 2002
La consolidation de la domination de Venise dans la ville de 2002
I Greci ed altre comunit? tra Venezia e oltremare. In: 2002
Il ruolo di Acri nel pellegrinaggio a Gerusalemme. In: 2002
Byzantium, Latin Romania and the Mediterranean, ed. D. 2001
The Venetian Quarter of Constantinople from 1082 to 1261: 2001
Byzantium, Latin Romania and the Mediterranean. 2001
Changing economic patterns in Latin Romania: The impact of the 2001
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